weight is only a problem when you're high teens/early 20's. after that you
start making money, get str items.
my base str is 85, with my items im up to 112str. 2 str earings +3 each.
jagged bands(+3str/5ac) are not bad rings, but the +4str/+2wis rings are
nicer (jeweler made, think they're ruby electrum. Plat Ruby veil
(+7str,+7wis). black iron crown(5ac, +5 str and +5 all resists) or if you're
lucky a crested helm (+6str/+3charisma 10ac). Another nice item if you can
get one is a golden pearl choker, doesnt give str but +7 agi and +7dex.
you see there's plenty of str buffers out there, im wearing full steel
medium plate and weight about 82-83, leaves me a good 20 to stock up on
junk, but we go for giants, which drop more platinum that FS weapons (which
make you heavy)
Minkin Nehoc
Solusek Ro
Bard of the 30th chorus
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Llewrend Lynnhaven [SMTP:lordartos@...]
> Sent: August 18, 1999 4:52 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] RE: lowest price possible
> From: Llewrend Lynnhaven <lordartos@...>
> Calm down bevis, it's just a game. My str right now
> is around 125 with items, and I have a light burlap
> sack that makes everything weightless and doesn't
> dissapear. Yes, I was worried about weight a while
> back, but it's not much of a problem anymore
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