Spud, you have quite clearly outlined all the reasons I am NOT renewing my
EQ subscription.
Indeed - had I known that what little else there was to do would be
destroyed so soon - I'd have never wasted my money in the first place.
As a class, I too love my bard - but I hold Verant responsible for false
advertising. EQ is NOT a virtual world, it's a very pretty Quake - at least
At 08:24 PM 8/7/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "SpudSucker" <sprite@...>
>>Give me a noncombatant role any day of the week.
>>I think overall as a class - MOST bards - at least those well suited to the
>>role have matured past having to be the center of attention and HERO of the
>Uh... In EQ there really isn't much non combat (Trade Skills), and what
>minor features the game provides in that area are in need of a huge ammount
>of work. In short, if you like non combat EverQuest just isn't for you. I
>would never want to give anything away just for a skill where I target an
>NPC or get within a certain distance and press a button, get a few copper if
>you are successful or nothing if you fail, and then do it over and over and
>over and over again. At least combat is a little more complex then that,
>even if a bard is a twitch character.
>Bards are the true jack of all trades in EQ, and I LOVE that. I don't even
>have downtime compared to my other classes! Forget meditating for five to
>ten minutes after a fight, I am a bard. :) I get to run fast, wear armor,
>get weapons, duel weild, cast spells in the form of songs, have a very
>diverse list of song abilities, and to top it all off I get tracking! We
>get some of everything. We may not be masters at any on thing, but boy is
>it fun to do so much!
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