> From: Steve Fogle <steve.fogle@...>
> I play a human bard because I heard that a non-human race gets more of an
> experience penalty then a human bard (i.e. It would take more experience to
> get a wood-elf bard to level then a human one). My question is: Is this
> true? And if so, how much more experience are we talking about? Is it
> worth the night vision and foraging to play wood-elf bard with the increased
> experience needed to level?
> Thanks!
Well, I play a half-elf bard but I've found that this kind of question is
more a case of personal preference. After all, do you want to level
faster but in return have to carry a lightsource around at all times like
a human does? Or do you want to be able to wear small and medium armors
like a wood elf can? Or would you want to be accepted (not necessarily
liked) in elven and human lands like a half-elf can?
It's all personal preference based on what your goals are for your
character, or at least that's my view.
Just my 2cp,
Grei the Half-Elf
Life without bears would be unbearable.