On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) wrote:
> > My first night as level 20 and I went
> > to HighHold Keep. Got into a group with
> > others ranging to 27 with me the lowest
> > most of the time.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but with a group of people that high up in level
> (up to 7 above you), isn't it true that you'd get very little to no
> experience from the fights? I remember when I was level 5 and my friend was
> level 9 and trying to help me out, I stopped getting experience when we were
> grouped because he was 4 levels above me. I've heard that even when the
If I understand some comments by J.M. correctly, the level
spread at which you stop getting experience is actually based
on a fixed percentage of total experience (scaled to account
for certain race/classes needing more experience per level).
So the difference between level 5 and 9 is something like 80%,
but the difference between 20 and 27 is 35%.
I'm level 30, and a level 22 friend grouped with me was making
experience at about the same rate I was. Probably because
most of the stuff we were fighting that was blue to me was
yellow/red to him. So he was getting a smaller piece of the
total experience, but that total experience was huge compared
to what he would've gotten grouped with other 22s and fighting
what to them were blue.
John H. Kim