Heh...had a few interactions with the Mino Hero...most were exciting, but
only one ended up in my becoming food :)
I don't really know how to get to the camps in Lesser Fay...I can get to the
ones in BB, but I need a bigger group for those
----- Original Message -----
From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 <g4mntofcr@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 10:45 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Bard's Instruments
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> At levels 10-15, I spent a lot of time fighting the bandits in Lesser
> Faydark and the Dervish Cutthroats in North Ro and West Commonlands. That
> was the point at which I decided to leave the homeland of Kelethin and
> Crushbone and start exploring. Lots of stuff out there to fight at that
> level range, both in groups or solo. I recommend doing the bard mail
> delivery quests and explore some on the side. As long as you don't run
> a griffon or giant, you can outrun just about anything you might bump
> Galtin of E'ci
> > Taluvil, 12th bard
> > btw, where is a good place to hunt for this level? I'll go pretty much
> > anywhere (in Steamfont now, soloing stuff outside the mino caves, but
> > grouping within)
> >
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