> And I keep trying to click on the car in front of me and type
> /autofollow. (california freeways...) and don't even
> ask what I think when I look at my girlfriends cat...
Ever go to the computer store and wonder how many
fire beetle eyes or mummies you'd have to kill to
get loot to sell to buy something you want?
Ever wish someone would cast SOW on you while
driving in your car?
Ever been chased by a police car and quickly
looked for the nearest zone /shouting Help? (And
wishing you'd quit missing notes trying to play
Ever had another driver make you mad and just
wish you could type /rude to them?
When your team scores points do you think in
your mind "/cheer" ?
Ever wish you had the Charisma song at a bar
because the NPC's are less than amiable towards