Wow, sounds really cool. So where are you posting the pictures. If you
don't have a place to post them I would be willing to post them all on my
site. Either email me about posting them or please give us an address where
we can see them.
Amazing $14,000 Opportunity. Click below for details.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Steele <wvrk_jock@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 3:45 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Plane of Fear **SPOILERS**
> From: "Michael Steele" <wvrk_jock@...>
> s
> p
> o
> i
> l
> e
> r
> s
> p
> a
> c
> e
> Got past the spectres in the tunnels and eventually ran up a ramp guarded
> 3 DBS's and a named Necro.
> Sorry, no time for introductions! Have a date with Mr. Thule! <<-- said as
> ran by. =)
> Zoned in and WOAH! What a view!
> Tons of new critters and some re-hashed(old art) familiar ones with
> different names.
> The one that caught my eye was a Dracolich. H-U-G-E bone dragon-type
> I am assuming it would eat me really fast so I just stayed my distance and
> took a few pictures.
> There is a castle surrounded by a lake of fire. Not your regular lava here
> bud. This is FIRE. Looks really cool.
> Looked around for about 30 minutes carefully avoiding ALL creatures
> everything cond Red as Lenin to me (of course).
> Took about 50 megs worth of Screenshots. I especially like the one where I
> top a hill and bump into Cazic Thule himself. YIKES!
> Run away! Lord Thule begins shouting something about infidels and such,
> I had no time to chit-chat with him, for these big-o-ape-like guys named
> Shiverbacks took an interest to me along with their buddy the
> like a fat spectre).
> I saw a wisp-like critter, but was not close enough or in a stable enough
> state of mind to target it to get its name. However, I DID see an
> next to it. Hmm. Wisp pet? Cool!
> I'll have to go through my SS's to get the name of most of these, as I am
> posting directly after logging off.
> Have fun!
> Oh, BTW I used my 13th level gnome magician to run around in there because
> wanted to bind inside in case I got killed so I would not have to run all
> the way back. =) SCARY! (is that a run-on?)
> Acinonyx (used the /surname command =P ) Lanoche
> 20th Level Bard of Bristlebane
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