It sounds to me like you were grouped..... Since all the songs you mentioned
have a Non-Party AoE. Except Bellow which is targeted.
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server
PS I did the same thing dueling a Shaman friend of mine. I could not figure
out why I was getting spanked by a shaman 3 levels below me LOL.
>I cant get this song to do squat. On mobs it will pulse with the animation
>that looks like selo's accelerando on us, and this will irritate the
>creature causing them to attack me but thats all i can tell. I tried
>dualing a friend and it wouldnt even pulse on them, though it was
>irritating the snakes and bats around me. For that matter, i couldnt even
>get the dissonance to hurt them. Bellows hurt them, and i could wack all
>day on them with my weapons, but no aoe song hit them. Didnt try fear now
>that i think of it... this happened before todays patch but after the last
>patch. Anybody know what was going on here? I am going to try this again
>today after this patch and see what happens...