At 01:23 PM 7/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>From: Jee Manghani <jmanghani@...>
>Talking about Dragoon Dirks, I did an /auction last night to see if anyone
>had one.
>Some generous guy asked me how much money I had, and all my net worth
>was 15pp and a minotaur axe. He sold me the dirk for 15pp. Praise
>Unfortunately, I do not remember this guys name to give him credit, but it
>something like Nuntien or something...
Nunatien, I think, I see him fighting DVinn all the time. I just FINALLY
got a Trainer shield m'self. I decided that rather than purchase something
like that, I wanted to earn it. And I did. I'm so happy =)
Talies the Wanderer
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