On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Mott, Mike J. wrote:
> Some bards on the list have said that charm is the greatest thing since
> sliced bread yada yada yada. My problem is that sure I can charm a critter,
> but 5-20 seconds later, it is back wacking the &%^$ out of me! So then I
> try to continually "recharm" the creature, this works a little better, but I
> am still getting attacked by my "pet" about 25% of the time. Am I doing
> something wrong? Is there a trick to it?
What's your charisma? Charm consistently lasts 3 pulses for
me (120 chr). I charm something, order it to attack, switch
to Hymn (or Anthem if my party is busy fighting something
else), then back off. When both mobs start to run towards me,
I know the charm is up, and usually I have enough time to
charm it again before it reaches me. My timing is getting
good enough that I don't even have to run back now - I just
hit charm again a short while before it's supposed to be up,
and the mobs gets at most one hit on me. Mind you I do take
damage, but usually not enough that Hymn with a lute can't
patch up while I'm waiting for charm to expire again.
> The other song I have problems with is Pixie Strike. What real use is this
> song? You have to target the creature you want to strike, then NO ONE can
> hit it while it is in lala land, or it wakes up. What this means is
> effectively to keep a monster out of the fight I have to keep it targeted
> and continually sing pixie strike at it, and not attack anything else. Why
> not use lullaby (aside from the obvious area effect dangers) and just have
> everyone in the party attack the same MOB?
Like charm, Pixie Strike consistently lasts 3 pulses for me.
That hasn't been the case with Lullaby - a lot of mobs seem to
wake up immediately or before three pulses are up with
Lullaby. When fighting a single mob, I use Strike to pause
the battle while I weave Hymn so my party can heal up. When
fighting multiple mobs, I use it to pause one or two mobs
while the party works on the other(s). It's very useful in
buggy places like Mistmoore where an area effect song/spell
too close to a wall can get a bunch of level 40+ mobs casting
at you through the walls, or where there's a lot of "green
trash" wandering around.
John H. Kim