Are you refering to bards not getting 3 skill points max per level? If you
are, I would like you to spend your next 3 points on hand to hand and try to
go up one more time. The message you will receive is something along the
lines that you are maxed for your level. I cannot remember the exact wording
but that is the content. I have even fought Hand to Hand for a full 3 bars
worth of xp thinking training will not go up further, but actual hands on
(no pun intended) training would increase it. My friends, Bards are 3 per
level plus whatever it is we get as a base.
M Steele
>From: "Reedo" <reedo@...>
>I have done a lot of punching while using and instrument. Also it is not
>>Might have something to do
>>with only getting 3/level. I hear a lot of people say bards get 4 per or 5
>>per. Trust me... We get 3.