Actually the Dirk is better then a Well Balanced Rapier as well. The WB
Rapier is 6 dam 23 delay, but no stat bonuses and wieghs over twice as much.
Personally I feel the Dirk is sold for WAY under it true value,
considering the WB Rapier sells for 225 plat. The Dirk, IMO, is the most
unbalanced weapon in the game. But that said they can have mine when they
pry it from my cold, dead fingers <grin>.
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server
PS As not to start another off topic thread, if you wish to reply to me on
this please email me direct.
>From: "Jones, Brian" <brian.jones@...>
>Off topic just for your benefit. Actually it is not that much off topic
>since the bad is a rogue-type class and notorious for using dagger and
>piercing weapons (thats why bards have some thieving abilites).
>Combine Longsword: Damage 6, 28 delay, hits magical creatures
>Dragoon Dirk: Damage 6, 23 delay, +2 dexterity, +3 magic.
>Hands down Dirk is way better.