I think our songs are what triggers the monsters. For what reason I am
not sure. While wandering Befallen I passed a necro acolyte if I remember
correctly. Being green to me it did not attack me. So I camped the room
where the shadow knight with the second key spawns and proceeded to wait.
When she spawned I started playing Anthem as I normally do when I solo and
then I am layered with DOTs and I die a horrible death. Now I don't
understand why everything chose that exact moment to take a run at me, but
I have noticed this for a long time and have happily enjoyed being sowed
since it doesn't cause the same number of problems that a bard's song
Treilanin Loreweaver
On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Brandon Kassebaum wrote:
> From: Brandon Kassebaum <kassebaum@...>
> I am going to have to back up our younger bardic friend. There is most
> definatly some bard aggro bugwhich can occur in seemingly any zone. I have
> personally experienced this super aggro in butcherblock, oasis, and unrest.
> When I was in oasis, orcs were barelling over the dunes to find me, you can see
> quite a ways in oasis so I would see several dark forms off in the distance
> beelining for me and when they got close, hey 5-6 orcs all over. What joy!
> Thank Erollisi for Selo's (the biggest lifesaver of them all) This has happened
> to me in those other zones as well... for no apparent reason, no group attacking
> anything like you suggest, things come out f the woodworks and ignore the
> medding nukers and beeline for the bard. Its disgustingly insane, even when we
> have to zone to clear the faction list.
> *sigh*
> JM, Care to comment?
> Penaden Songweaver
> http://www.lostorder.com
> James Schuldes wrote:
> > From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
> >
> > Hmmm, bards have the rep for being monster magnets. But you prolly need to
> > play your songs no matter what but not AE (Area Effect). You dint say
> > zactly how young you are but the gnolls will go agro on people they see that
> > look tasty to them. they can tell how young you are and will attack you if
> > they think they can win. As you get older they get smarter and if they are
> > trival to you they don't attack. Unless of course their friends have
> > whipped them in to a frenzy and they are trying to help - ie you have
> > started a train.
> >
> > Selos is not an area effect on NPC's so it should not matter. But if one of
> > your party had attacked that gnoll and gotten on its hate list - then when
> > it comes up and see you helping the party - it gets mad at you and attacks.
> >
> > If you play an aera effect - like chords in a place like BB - that's very
> > high traffic and multi- level - you will get a LOT of attention real
> > quick!!! So don't play AE songs in dungeons - as a rule.
> >
> > Sylly
> > Bard of the 18th level
> > a.k.a. Robo-Bard
> > waiting for the boats in ButcherBlock
> > somewhere on Innoruuk
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: email@...
> > [mailto:email@...]
> > Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 11:46 AM
> > To: eqbards@onelist.com
> > Subject: [eqbards] Bard magnets .....
> >
> > From: email@... (Melaniel)
> >
> > Hello everyone!
> >
> > As a young bard who's had her fill of lurking around here, I
> > thought
> > I'd venture forth and ask a really simple question!
> >
> > I've just returned home from a long long trip to Black
> > Burrow where
> > all the gnolls hang out. Boy was it dangerous!!!
> >
> > Anyway, when sitting down with my group while all the spell
> > chuckers
> > recovered from their oh so hard zapping, playing a nice tune
> > just in
> > case we needed to run for the exit, it didn't take long for
> > the
> > nearest gnoll to suddenly turn and jump on me. Not the
> > meditating
> > high elves oh no, ignore everyone else and straight for
> > little old me.
> >
> > So what I'm asking is ..... were they just offended by the
> > slightly
> > different interpretation I placed on Selo's, or do I have
> > some sort of
> > bad guy magnet attached to me! I deliberately avoided my
> > hymn of
> > restoration because I'd heard they really don't like you
> > helping
> > people, but does this hatred run to any kind of song
> > disturbing their
> > clearly very peaceful home?
> >
> > Oh, and if a nice friendly L24 and up bard is hanging out
> > here who
> > donated a bronze helmet to a rather under-dressed me at the
> > docks in
> > Butcherblock a couple of weeks ago, can I just say thank you
> > very
> > much, it's saved my life on a number of occasions :)
> >
> > Thanks everyone, see ya out there!
> >
> > --
> >
> > Saldara
> > High Elf Wizard, Mith Marr server
> >
> > Milaniel
> > Wood Elf Bard, Mith Marr server
> >
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