This would be great but it would never happen. Can you imagine what the
other classes would say about that. Every class would want to start back
with some item and it would grow from there till the warriors say that they
need to respawn with all of their items so they have a chance because they
are so underpowered.
Amazing $14,000 Opportunity. Click below for details.
> From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
> It sure would be nice to have some more magic instruments in the game.
> much consideration my Most Desired Magic Instrument (tm) would be a
> ol' drum...but one that sticks with you when you die. You awaken in the
> Arena, naked to the world, with 3 or so zones to cross...wouldn't it be
> wonderful to have that drum sitting there in your inventory? No, we can't
> bind, and I am happy with that, but at EXACTLY the time you could really
> leverage your abilities to lessen the pain, blah, no drum. Sure, I keep
> in the bank for when I am bound to a city, but often zoning to the bank
> get it is just not what I have patience for after dying... Just a thought,
> one born of making level 18 five times this weekend :o)
> Tszaaz