I know this thread has been around, Ive been here for quite a while.......
And Ive usually been the bard, but Ive never had the opportunity to time it,
all of my travelling companions swear by it though. I had assumed by
listening to this list that they were either humoring me or it was in their
heads. It just happened that I had the opportunity myself and I was
suprised by the outcome. After thinking about it, if it is truely a refresh
rate my test may not have been very accurate, I tested bubbles 2-4 because
they were the easiest to track.
-----Original Message-----
From: Corey Flath <
eqbards@onelist.com <
Date: Saturday, July 24, 1999 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Jaxan's Jig
>From: "Corey Flath" <cflath@...>
>This topic has come up at least 3 or 4 times, all results have come to the
>same conclusion, jig has no effect on mana regen, it does affect the
>rate of your mana bar however, so it may appear to speed it up. I find it
>especially odd that you are saying an almost 20% increase, I think you
>should maybe make sure you are timing the exact same amount of mana every
>Arithon, 27th
>Erollisi Marr
>>From: "Douglass Family" <frd@...>
>>I was playing an alternate character (Erudite Wizard) 12th level. Me and
>>shaman buddy were bumpin around on Wisp Island and I ran into a bard of
>>level who we grouped with, after about 5 min the "light" went on, The Jig!
>>So I grabbed my handy (never once used) stopwatch. 3 bubbles of mana
>>No Song: 170 sec standard
>>Jig singing: 149 sec 12.35%
>>Jig with drum 138 sec 18.82%
>>I did this test twice just for some repitition.
>>I intend to meet my shaman buddy with my 20+ level bard and do similar
>>to see if level, singing ability, percussion ability make a difference.
>>P.S. - I had always thought it was really in my friends head when they
>>always wanted me to play the jig even over restoration, but I guess not.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Kirsten Jones <kirsten@...>
>>To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
>>Date: Thursday, July 22, 1999 12:51 PM
>>Subject: [eqbards] Jaxan's Jig
>>>From: Kirsten Jones <kirsten@...>
>>>Greetings all,
>>>I've noticed that nobody seems to know how Jaxan's Jig can be helpful...
>>>one of the websites mentioned that it increases the recovery pulse rate
>>>all three bars (not just stamina) from approximately 8sec/pulse to 6
>>>sec/pulse. So what? Well, what this means is:
>>>- If you are in a party with casters, they get a 20-25% increase on mana
>>> (this has been independently verified with a cleric)
>>>- If you are in a party with other bards, your healing songs should
>>>increase at the
>>> same rate (haven't tested this one)
>>>Just the first one alone, along with psalm and selo's, make you an even
>>>more critical member of a party. Some bards, when presented with this
>>>information, say "but that makes my mana regen song useless," and so
>>>even try it. Of course, the mana regen song is, what, 50%? So it's
>>>an upgrade. But bards who don't take advantage of this "side effect" of
>>>Jaxan's are, in my opinion, slighting themselves and their party.
>>>Anyhow, just thought I'd share :-)
>>>Synedra of Veshaan
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