> Just a couple of suggestion, there are many other areas. Umm actually
> if you feel rally brave you can sprint to Misty Thicket near
> Rivervale. I think it is the best place to level up to 10-12th in the
> game.
> Bujold 18th
> Xegony
Getting to Misty Thicket should be easy for a 6th level bard, as I
made it from Halas with a 6th level Shaman. The entire way I was
saying "I would KILL for my Selo's back"
Leveling in Misty is really easy to 9. I don't know about after. I made
a visit there when I was 9th level bard, and didn't see a lot to hunt.
The goblin camps and the orc camps get camped out a lot.
Tindayen, 16th level bard
Swifthawk, 8th level shaman