Having a Magician character, I am quite familiar with the pet commands. Did
you try /pet back off ?
It's really the only command that will pull an engaged pet off of a target.
Keep in mind though that if the pet is attacked when it is returning to your
side, it will re-engage. I usually assign this command to a hot key, and
just wail on the key, until the pet is where I want it.
Kyle Quinby
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>I've been playing with charm a lot lately (wonderful for
>pulling a mob off someone it's frenzied against), and I've
>noticed a recurring problem. Sometimes the mob you charm will
>attack a player (a party member in all cases so far) and will
>not stop despite repeated commands to sit down, follow me, or
>attack another mob.
>I haven't been able to reproduce this at will, but I *think*
>this happens when I charm a mob, order it to attack another
>mob, it becomes uncharmed, a party member attacks it, and I
>re-charm it. I know it's not the command failing because the
>charmed mob says the appropriate things but keeps right on
>attacking. Does anyone know what's up with this?
>We were almost killed by a cyclops last night because a stupid
>kodiak tagged along and I wasted time trying to charm it to
>take it out of the fight and it kept right on attacking.
>(OTOH my ranger friend was absolutely ecstatic when the
>cyclops frenzied on him, got him down to one bubble as the
>cleric went OOM, and I charmed the cyclops to pull it off
>John H. Kim
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