Well there are kids in Rivervale, as well as grandparents. There is the in
game passage of time, I think at least one year has passed in game since
release. For the reason why Dark Elves hate High/Wood Elves check the back
story in the manual, esp the portion on how the Dark Elves came to be.
Brownies are kinda cute, esp that scamp Nillipus.
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server
>From: Kevikazzam@...
>In a message dated 7/22/99 1:21:37 PM EST, fun-bob@... writes:
><< and has kids.... >>
>Thats what i've always wondered , in this " virtual world " why are there
>children ?
>I mean , it isn't essential to the game , but it would add to the realism
>for me personally. We have lots of quests involving sons / daughters. but
>have no idea how old they are , we have no idea how old anyone is. Some
>people might say this is a good thing , i think it sucks. I personally
>have loved starting out as a teenager , and every ten levels getting a new
>look. being grown up or even old by lvl 50. So in that whole crappy
>system you could tell a red from a RED just by looking at them ( i know
>doesn't apply to most monsters and animals and such) .
>I personally wish this game was more immersive , sometimes it can be , but
>other times it just isn't at all. I would like to be able to feel why the
>dark elves are evil , and why they hate the wood elves and such. ( ok i'm
>ramblin )
>Ulaien Firesong
>Lvl 34 bard of tunare