I had to practice my brass skill alot to get this song to fire up, so once i
got it going i'd run after all the orcs i could find in crushbone. It was
rather funny, the lower level players loved it all. They'd pick off the
runners and even meditate at my feet as they felt safe. If Dvinn wasnt
camped so much i'd go charm him to kill crush. But all in all fear is a
great song. Saved my party's butt 2 times in the tower of unrest the other
night when we pulled too much. The too much became easy though once we
feared em as it gave the cleric time to heal us so we'd be ready for another
round when they'd run back. Funny enough about 4 minutes after that fight
or so, the hand runs into the room and beelines for guess who, the lil ol
bard. Was icing on the cake 8)
My party is constantly telling me not to play that song anywhere, but when
our resident tank gets in trouble or something, they beg me to play it, go
figure. Wish they'd make up their mind on such a funny song
Minkin Nehoc
Bard of the 27th chorus
Solusek Ro
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rokenn Swiftsong [SMTP:rokenn@...]
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 3:57 PM
> To: EQBards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Had fun with my new song last night
> From: "Rokenn Swiftsong" <rokenn@...>
> Last night I made 26th level and got to play with the Appalling Screech.
> Man what a fun song! My party was in Solesek's Eye and was about to
> leave,
> no one else was in the zone so I decided to see how big a train I could
> start with this song. By the time I left I had over a dozen gobs bouncing
> off me, fleeing in terror! Then on my way out I came across 3 DE guards
> at
> the zone to EC, so I feared them to, then shouted to the zone that their
> (the Dark Elves) guards were fleeing in terror from a lone bard, haha.
> I
> love being a Bard :)
> Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
> Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
> Amerginn - Test server
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