"Keith G. Spencer" wrote:
> >Does that actually work? You can give an item to a monster and if they get
> >killed, it's still on the body to recover? If so that's a completely
> >fantastic idea and I'll start doing that immediately with all the rusty
> >stuff I find and maybe the occasional tidbit. Thank you!!!! (No sarcasm
> >what-so-ever, this is a really great idea!) By the way, if this actually
> >does work - is there any kind of time limit as to how long it'll stay with
> >the monster?
> Yup it works quite well, be a bit careful with weapons as humanoid types
> (orcs, skeletons, etc) will wield those weapons as well. Of course it would
> be kinda funny to see a skeleton with a BIBS :)
Or equips NPC in town with all the rusty you find... I once equiped every NPC in
Rivervale... The Banquer was nice with his Scythe in hand...
Benoit St-Hilaire
"Signs on the freeway are funny. They have a sign that says, 'Orange Cones Mean
Men at Work.' What else could orange cones mean? Psychedelic witches embedded in
-- Karin Babbitt