I got my crown from the Warlord who is a little easier to take than the
king, and he spawns with it just as often. Actually I think he spawns with
it more.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Kim <
eqbards@onelist.com <
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Blackened Iron Armor *SPOILER* (sort of)
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, scott brisko wrote:
>> Okay on to more serious business. I completed the Ogre Head Quest in
>> Butcherblock last night by dropping off the heads of two named Ogres
>> (Corflunk and Zarcoomi) to Byzar Bloddforge in Kaladim. As a reward I
>> received a Blackened Iron Crown
>> (http://gameznet.com/eq/equipment/EQ-Blackened.Iron.Crown.html)
>> which I thought was pretty nifty. This morning I was browsing Everlore
>> someone had remarked that this item had been sold at auction for 250pp. I
>> just about passed out with dreams of avarice. Anyone have an idea if this
>> even near to being true? If so I am camping in BB for a while longer.
>You will occasionally get blackened iron items (armor only I
>think) for completing this quest. You just happened to hit
>the jackpot by getting the crown. IIRC it is +5 to all
>resists, and yes it's worth around 250pp. Normally you have
>to kill the goblin king in Runnyeye many times to get the
>crown (he usually drops the grotesque mask). Congratulations.
>John H. Kim
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