Damn man, what you need to do is get a sense of humor.....CALM DOWN, TAKE
I was kiddin ok? Just calm down, nothing wrong with a little humor.....
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Roach <
To: '
eqbards@onelist.com' <
Date: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 4:54 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] How to know if Anthem is really working
>From: Mike Roach <mroach@...>
>You obviously either did not understand my question in the way that I
>phrased it, or are being a smart ass because you have nothing better to do.
>I think I had a valid question: Does the tentacle whip proc more at higher
>levels? If you don't know there is no need to make me look like a fool
>because you are bored. I barely add any comments to this group as it is,
>and I certainly am not inclined to continue participating if every time I
>comment I get some smart ass being cute with me.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Fun Bob [mailto:fun-bob@...]
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 1999 2:30 PM
>> To: eqbards@onelist.com
>> Subject: Re: [eqbards] How to know if Anthem is really working
>> From: "Fun Bob" <fun-bob@...>
>> I think it is likely that the frequency an item procs is
>> affects by your
>> Dexterity, and in some cases by your level as well. Would
>> the whip be more
>> effective if at, say, level 25 it proc'd 80% of the time
>> compared with the
>> 20% (or whatever) it does at lower levels?
>> I have no idea about this, just wondering...
>> Ummmm....Yeah, anything that does something 80% of the time
>> instead of 20%
>> is going to be a BIT more effective....around 60% more effective....
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