On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Jesse wrote:
> However, one major problem I've noticed is that I spend waaaay too much
> time looking at the chat window, watching for the notification that X
> effect has started. So much that I don't notice my health or the enemies
> health most of the time. Glancing up to watch the health has to be timed
> right so I don't miss a starting message.
You *know* when you hit the song macro. You have 3.5 seconds
to glace at everyone's health bars before concentrating on the
chat window again.
> Is there any good way to determine when it starts without watching the
> chat window? I haven't noticed any visible song effects except on songs
> like chords. :/
Your party should surround what you're fighting. This gives
you a better view of possible approaching mobs, gives some
members an attack bonus for attacking from behind, and lets
you see your buff songs pulse on your party members. The
pulses are in synch with the song messages, so you can use
those as a signal to start your next song.
Another option is to weave one more song that you're capable
of, and watch for the disappearing/reappearing icons to signal
when a song effect has kicked in.
John H. Kim