>From: "Tom Henschel" <tomhenschel@...>
>I am interested to see where this thought goes eventually. Perhaps there
>may be a specialization for 50+ level Bards, but how to choose? I don't
>think I would like to trade my diversity to specialize. In fact, that is
>one of my chief reasons for choosing the Bard class in the first place.
>Fflewdeur level 18 Bard on Cazic-Thule
>P.S. I would like to send a greeting to all Bards on Cazic-Thule!
I had an idea along these lines I posted here once. Say a bard picks an
instrument that is their specialty. Then using it would have an increased
effect (for certain songs), and actually drain mana if one specialized in
that instrument type. Once the mana was gone, the effects would be similar
to non-specialized play.