Welp, all of the replies are true but I think you are not fully utilizing
the bard. The bard my be the second best soloing class there is. Im 20th
level now and still soloing. You may be playing the bard like a fighter that
occasional sings a song. Wrong. At 9th level go to Ro. Make sure you got a
full suit of leather. Armor is everything in this game. Get out your handy
guitar. Now see that scarab on the hill? Go punch it. Drag it back to the
grass area. Wince it twice (with the guitar), then switch to heal for one
pulse. Repeat. If you get down to 2 bars of health, run around in wide
circle till your health goes back up with the heal song on. And then do it
all again. Make sure you are punching them while singing. I was soloing 3
scarabs at a time at 10th level.
Remember the bard is not a fighter to hack and slash. You dont have the hp
or ac to do it. You kill stuff slow, BUT you can kill more than one at once.
Now what other class can claim to do that?
Relos Zek
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel P. Sniderman <
eqbards@onelist.com <
Date: Sunday, May 02, 1999 4:27 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Level 9
>From: "Daniel P. Sniderman" <slide@...>
>Sorry if this has been addressed... I'm finding level 9 to be
>slow going... Any pointers? I spent a huge amount of time tonight with a
>large group at east commons orc camp. They want me to use the Discord
>song - so all the orcs jump me. I get killed instantly. The rest proceed
>to wipe out the rest as I memorize and work my way back. Before I get
>there - they all decide it's late and log off. Not a one bothered to wait
>and offer me a share of silver or loot... Wasted about an hour and ended
>with LESS XP than I started..
>I'm under the impression now - I'm better off pairing off with someone at
>this point than trying large groups... Large seem to take forever to do
>anyting - and I'm not getting much xp or loot..
>Slyde of Xegony
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