Well from my usage the Mino Horn acts as both a brass instrument and a
wind instrument. It helps to save one inventory slot and a bit of weight.
As for animations, it doesn't have an animation when you are playing a
wind song either, so the lack of one for brass songs may be due to the
actual instrument.
Treilanin Loreweaver 21st Chorus Bard of Kelethin
Aariel 5th Cricle Mage of Felwithe
Honour Guard
On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Symber Ash wrote:
> From: "Symber Ash" <symber1@...>
> I hope this doesn't sound stupid, but what good is the Mino Horn? Does it
> work with brass songs, or wind songs? What kind of brass instruments are
> there? I haven't seen any animations done with it during the lvl 18 dd
> song, so I assume it's not working with brass...
> Ryndal Mandolin
> Lvl 20 Bard
> Cazic-Thule
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