I maxed out my Bind Wounds the other day (it maxs at 100). On myself it
heals 25 per bandage. I use BW all the time to help people in need, most
people are very thankful. When ever I am at a zone line I check all the
people there to see if they need a band-aid or not :)
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server
>From: "Sean Kennedy" <orang@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: Drive-by acts of kindness, was Re: [eqbards] Twinking
>Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 08:29:15 -0700
>From: "Sean Kennedy" <orang@...>
>I just hesitate to actually hit the monster with anything,
>just because it is part of the etiquette I follow. Now,
>lullaby is a bit of a different manner. I played punching
>bag for someone one, by doing this to the two orcs
>that jumped him, and I believe it was OBVIOUS that I
>was not attacking, as I just stood and played, without
>swinging back :)
>The one thing I would love to see (but probably won't,
>for balance reasons) is for a small set of our beneficial
>songs (Chant, Hymm, the Psalms) to work on a
>targeted, non-grouped PC. I consistently invite people
>sitting and healing to share my song, while I'm healing,
>but you can only do that when you're solo. I saved
>someone from poison the other day, but I had to group
>with him first, and if I'd been grouped he would have
>died (I've intended to get my bind wounds skill up for a
>while now, I just haven't had time).
>Tindayen, Journeyman Bard of Povar
>Swifthawk Apprentice Shaman of the far north