>From: Abraham Hardjana <ahardjan@...>
>You could also try such songs as Lullaby when you see the poor fellow
>being attacked by more than one mob. Or any of the other slow the mob
>down songs like Melodic Binding. The difference from Druid, Cleric and
>Shaman spells is the fact that most people fail to see that you are
>actually helping them. Do they notice the mob is bound by strands of
>music? Not really, but it is still gratifying to do the deed. Who know
>if they noticed, who knows if they will ever help you? Instant
>gratification isn't there , but you never know where kindness can come
>from =).
>Treilanin Loreweaver 21st Chorus Bard of Kelethin
>Aariel 5th Circle Mage of Kelethin
>Honour Guard
Unobtrusive is exactly what I want, just at 16 lullaby is the
best we've got.
Tindayen, Journeyman Bard
Swifthawk, Apprentice Shaman of the great white north