>Something neat about shamans (and I assume clerics, druids
>and enchanters) is the ability to commit random acts of kindness.
>Walk up to a fight, looks close? Cast a heal or two, and a
>couple of buffs, walk on. I've yet to find a way to do this well
>with my bard. The only way to do it is to directly affect the
>mob, and that seems rude to me without an invitation, even if
>there is no chance of kill stealing.
>Anyone got any tips for this sort of activity as a bard?
>Tindayen, Bard of the 16th song
>Swifthawk, Apprentice Shaman
One thing I have found that helps without stealing worries is using Lullaby
or Melodic Binding. The Lullaby is great when you see a caster trying to
solo since it gives them a chance to get spells off. Melodic Binding does a
nice attack slowdown and lowers the bad guys AC.
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Brewer of Societus Argenti
Amerginn - Test server