Not 'free-reign' - I'm not suggesting anyone be able to bind themselves -
only that we can pick the spot.
I don't adventure outside areas I know VERY well, for this specific reason.
At 03:04 PM 7/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Keith G. Spencer" <kgs@...>
>>Uhhh, why?
>>What possible reason is there to make something even more frustrating than
>>it already is?
>That's the point, as it is now, it's only frustrating to the non-casters.
>But on the other hand, allowing everyone free reign in binding is a bit
>extreme (Death still needs to have some penalties involved with it, and as
>it is now they're pretty light). As a medium I suggested making use of the
>inns & taverns and allowing everyone to bind there. It gives a use to a
>pretty much unused entity in the world, and it still stays in fiction.
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