> I think this is a matter of playing style, as well as character race and
> strength. I have been unable to solo without dying every five minutes since
> level 12 or so. Mainly because I am a wood elf and most of the things that
> are blue to my character have a nasty habit of hitting hard and stunning
> often, as well as gathering friends to help them.
> Liani
Playing style, yes. Character race, no. I too am a wood elf and I am still
soloing effectively at level 16. At this time I can take on 2 risky's or 1
dangerous enemy and come out with at least 2 bubbles of healt left. And when I
hit 17 and get dual wield I feel that will give me the extra boost to be able to
solo into the low 20's or so.
Don't get me wrong, I group with friends whenever they are around, but our
schedules don't always mesh so I've learned how to solo too.