You can solo as a bard fairly effective till about 21st or 22nd level.
98% of the experience I've made from 22nd to 30th has been in groups. And
90% of that has been in a dungeon.
Soloing is fine, but to a degree it's actually counter productive. The
skills you learn soloing generally aren't the same types of skills you need
to be working effectively in a group.
Anyways, it's *SO* much more fun in a full group, with everyone knowing
their role. Once you've tasted it, you'll find it terrible to be w/o a
-----Original Message-----
grei@... <
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 5:00 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Group or Solo
>From: grei@...
>> From: scott@... (scott brisko)
>> Well met everyone,
>> This is not a complaint mind you. Soloing has made me into a hardy
>> able to cope with circumstance well beyond my meager skills. Has anyone
>> had experiences similar to these?
>> Bernwyn of Kelethin
>> Intiate of the 10th Stanza
>Well, I've been soloing almost non-stop, all the way up to level 11 now.
>Due to my random hours and such, even those I used to journey with for a
>day or two are now too far ahead of me for me to group with.
>I personally don't mind soloing, again because of my random hours, since
>it allows me to go where I want, when I want (well, within reason--Bards
>still need to have the ability to bind themselves in my mind. Ain't no
>way I'm gonna pay greedy spellcasters for that, especially now that some
>of them have started charging platinum.)
>Just my 2 copper,
>Grei of the 11th Measure
>The world's so terrible that one can only make fun of it.
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