There are a few Named orcs that spawn near HH...They all have the same last of them is Chief so and so...and he's level 20 I think...I have
seen five or six different orcs near there...
There are no official orc camps in the zone, tho....BTW if you're going to
hunt Kithicor, I advise you to get a compass, or max out your sense heading gets very confusing for some reason...I still get lost
-----Original Message-----
From: G2 Dan <
To: <>
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Adventure vacations levels 12-15 *spoilers*
>From: "G2 Dan" <drockwell@...>
>What is up with Kithicor? I ran into a mean RED orc there the other nite
>that chased me out of there and into Rivervale in a hurry. All I remember
>was the painful hits and a "lord something" attached to his name. Any
>clues? Is there an orc camp in the zone?
>17th Lvl & Lovin it!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Symber Ash <symber1@...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, July 12, 1999 11:33 AM
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] Adventure vacations levels 12-15 *spoilers*
>> From: "Symber Ash" <symber1@...>
>> >From: "Elijah Meeker" <elijah@...>
>> >everything Kithicor (ALWAYS a good bet for mysterious adventure, there
>> bizarre hidden
>> >story in that woods, over on Crossroads of Norath/Discussions we have a
>> little Kithicor fan club....
>> Finally someone else notices...I get sick of those messages that say
>> something like, "We need to get rid of useless Kithicor"
>> I adventured there for more than a few levels, and I still get a kick out
>> that dark place...Have you ever met Kithicor himself? I saw him once by
>> cabin with the grizzley bears and the flag. He didn't say much...
>> Ryndal
>> Level 18 Bard
>> Cazic-Thule
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