>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>Ever since I moved to bronze plate (slowly switching it with
>steel plate), I get the impression that mobs get an attack
>bonus if you are close to encumbered but not there yet. I am
>regularly being hit for close to max damage, while my lower
>level friends in banded seem to be taking less. The only one
>who seems to take more is my monk friend, who is 6 levels
>behind me and has woven/mesh (leather/chain equivalent for
>damage absorbtion).
AH! Thank you John!! At least now I know it's not just MY imagination on
this one. I was thinking the same thing, but was kinda afraid to admit it,
fearing people would say I was just whining about something. I am usually,
because of loot, within 5 or so points of my weight allowance (but not
encumbered) and it seems like mobs NEVER miss me, ALWAYS do tremendous
damage, and I get stunned alot. The stunning part, as I HAVE "whined" about
in other messages, REALLY has been getting to me as of late since it seems
almost every other hit "stuns" me for some reason. I was actually beginning
to wonder if armor is worth anything, if I am going to be hit all the time
and stunned half the time ANYWAY. (smile)
Maybe it is because we are so close to max weight. I will have to play with
that some, too.
Tallonn Stringfellow - 34th verse