Good point. I only have two characters, and after playing a bard to level
22 in beta and level 50 in final, I don't know what the heck to do as a
paladin! Being in this situation, I'd welcome any advice anyone gave me.
For the FIRST time last night I actually used Lay Hands correctly to save
myself from a shriveled mummy that jumped me in North Ro, healing me instead
of him. I was so happy =)
Shada Silverleaf, Level 50 Bard, Mithaniel Marr
Erisi, Level 7 Paladin, Mithaniel Marr
> I'd venture to guess that most people only play one or two
> characters, and thus have little or no idea what the issues
> are that affect the "other" classes (I'm guessing this is why
> a lot of casters seem to be pretty arrogant about tossing
> spells at stuff melee classes are fighting). What may be
> obvious to you when playing as a group may not even register
> to the other guy.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...
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