If there is only one of these - some power-gamer named aradune has it!
Bard of the 13th level
a.k.a. Robo-Bard
camped out in Halas on Innoruuk
-----Original Message-----
From: Codo the Mysterious [mailto:
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 1999 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Two of the same weapon
From: "Codo the Mysterious" <
Actually on the topic of 'unique', I have recently heard a
rumor about the
Flaming Avenger. (REALLY Big, supposedly Paladin only
sword.) The rumor I
caught was that Verant had only put one and only one of
these on each
server. Now, I have never seen this weapon, and don't know
anyone who has
seen it, so I still don't even know if it's 1H Slash or 2H
Slash (IMHO, it
should be 2H). But anyway, just thought I'd pass that little
tidbit on....
Bard of the 12th Chorus
Solusek Ro
----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne Sheppard <mrwayne@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 1999 11:31
Subject: [eqbards] Two of the same weapon
> From: "Wayne Sheppard" <mrwayne@...>
> For roleplaying sake there should only be one of each
unique monster and
> weapon. Once you kill Dvinn or Crush, they should be dead
and you get
> equipment. They would not come back to life to spawn more
equipment for
> you.
> Bu this is a MMPORPG. You cannot restrict the monster or
item to just one
> person. Therefore he spawns again, giving someone else a
chance to kill
> him.
> The Lore Item is a way to restrict people from continuous
camping. The
> is that others would then have a chance to kill the
monster and get the
> weapon.
> Wayne
> > Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 14:10:12 -0700
> > From: "Sean Kennedy" <orang@...>
> > What's the big deal with people wanting 2 of the same
> > Just from a game mechanics point of view, 2 items with
> > delays are better. They get out of synch, and allow
> > windows for casters to get a spell off. Plus, I LIKE
the way
> > different weapon combo's look. <g>
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