The nice quest for low level bards is the Spider Silk Quest in Kelethin. For
turning in four Spiderling Silk to the GuildMistress there, you get some
cash (I forget how much, not a whole lot), faction, and a free drum.
Most of the other quests are fairly mundane, if not useless. But, recently,
Verant has implemented the 'FedEx' quests, delivering mail all over
Freeport. If you know you're going to be traveling between cities, check
with the local FedEx Bard. These quests will usually net you between 1 and 9
gold. Lately, I've been based in Qeynos. I've also been spending time in
Surefall Glade (They REALLY like followers of Tuanre there!) I've been
working on my Fletchery Skill (and I get some awesome prices there). Anyway,
the FedEx bard there just happens to want mail delivered to Qeynos. I've
only completed this quest twice, but a total of 3 gold for two trips I was
making anyway, really isn't all that bad. Maybe not so big a deal if you're
higher in level, but down here at 10, every gold counts...
Bard of the 10th Chorus
Solusek Ro
----- Original Message -----
From: Raoul de Grunt <eq_corbolu@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 02, 1999 04:38
Subject: [eqbards] Quests
> From: Raoul de Grunt <eq_corbolu@...>
> Can anyone tell me the use of qeusts? I completed the string quest at the
> qeynos bard guild and only got 2 copper, some faction hits and a litle bit
> of exp for about a 1,5 hour walk. That was when i was a low level ( at +-
> ), now i am 11 and recently moved to freeport,i love selo's and the drum,
> shadowknight friend (who's not as evil as you migth think) was very
> he walked twice as long as i did from qeynos to freeport :)...
> But i'm drifting of, can you tell me what the reward for most quests is,
> because walking for 1,5 hour and getting 2 copper is not worth it.
> And getting exp figthing is much cooler than running.
> Corbolu, 11th at Bertoxxulous
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