Eh, the market's flooded with the Dirks now, least in Faydark. Bought a few
already for 20pp. When the dirk becomes rarer (not on Dvinn's corpse every
single time) one should get an excellent return, especially since the dirk
is on par with a well-balanced weapon. There will -always- be someone in
Qeynos who will pay well over what I pay for it in Faydark now.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Brian <
To: <>
Date: Thursday, July 01, 1999 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Source for Combine Weapons
>From: "Jones, Brian" <brian.jones@...>
>The thing I like about combines better than the other weapons is the resale
>value. You purchase a Dragoon Dirk now for 40 plat, in a couple of months
>when you get tired of it you won't get much of a return because of players