Good to know, especially since I just tested the "Accelerando breaks root
even underground" theory. And at least in Runnyeye, it most definitely
does not. Maybe they just fixed it in this patch. But as of today, it
does not break root.
At 04:14 PM 6/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, J.R. Hyde wrote:
>> These songs are rendered basically useless in a group setting because of
>> how they cancel their equivelent spell effects. So my question is, is this
>> a bug or a feature? I am torn between wanting to be able to cancel roots
>> and not cancel sow's. Ideally i would like to be able cancel roots and not
>> screw up a sow. Either way i would love to hear an official answer. The
>I *think* the L22 song (Disenchantment) does exactly this
>without screwing up "good" song effects. I've been trying to
>test it but it's been difficult. I managed to play it once
>when I got rooted last night, and it seemed to unroot me. But
>I can't be sure if it really unrooted me, or if root just
>naturally expired at the same moment.
>By the way, root cancels SoW. If your party is running for
>the zone and someone gets rooted, you're usually better off
>hitting Accelerando to unroot him and give him back some speed
>to get to the zone. (For that matter, SoW cancels root.)
>John H. Kim
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