Wow, I know something John doesn't know, I know something John doesn't know.
Oh sorry couldn't resist, he's red to me you know.
I have gotten slightly better prices than you list with my Charisma of 101.
I think I know why but I'm not sure. I agree that faction/race/deity plays
a part though faction and charisma are the big factors. I definitely get
better prices with my charisma at 101 than at 97, even from warmly regarding
merchants of my own race. Carillion has no effect on the prices from those
who already regard me at amiable, with the notable exception of those not of
my race. I can carillion an amiable human, they stay amiable but the prices
go down a wee bit. On those above amiable, kindly and warmly, it has no
effect on prices.
If you want the best prices consider your deity carefully. Worshippers of
some deities are welcomed by nearly all the good races. While most wood
elves are dubious to pixies, I am apprehensive. The only difference I can
find is my religion over other wood elf bards I've talked to.
Kitasi of E'ci
-----Original Message-----
From: John Kim [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] does Bard need charisma?
From: John Kim <
On Tue, 29 Jun 1999, G2 Dan wrote:
> Will the song, Cinda`s Charismatic Carillon aid you in getting better
> for selling/buying items? Even if it just a few copper. I wonder.
Prices seem to be determined by charisma, faction, and
something else - possibly race and/or diety. In general, when
I started the game at 110 charisma, I got the best possible
prices at all merchants who were indifferent or higher.
As I've played, I've noticed that several friends with
charisma around 90 were getting the same prices as me (or
close to) from merchants who were amiable or higher. There
are other instances which I haven't quite figured out yet
which I'm chalking up to race or diety for now. But in
general, especially with the Charisma song, a chr of 90 or so
should be sufficient to get you the best prices from most any
merchant. (For reference, best selling prices are: minotaur
axe 3.33pp, greater lightstone 4.3?pp, bronze 2H sword 4pp,
combine rapier/longsword 47.621pp; best buying prices are:
combine rapier/longsword 52.5pp)
Charisma definitely affects the duration of charm type songs
(Lament, Charisma, etc). Other people here seem to complain
about the effect not lasting long enough for them to finish
lamenting all the mobs, or for them to buy/sell an item. My
experience with 110 (120 now) charisma has been that the
effects of these songs last several minutes, even when played
without an instrument.
Charisma is also rumored to affect the chance of certain songs
being resisted. I've seen no evidence to back this up, other
than a general observation that I find the Lullaby to be a
great song to use, while others seem to feel it gets resisted
too often. Several enchanters also swear that charisma
decreases their resist rate, while others swear that it
In short, if I were starting a new bard knowing what I know
now, I'd probably distribute my points equally between str,
dex, chr, and maybe agi. I hadn't really intended to play a
bard full-time, and just thought it would be a good class with
which to get a feel for the game. So I put all my points into
chr to test its effect on prices. Little did I know I'd end
up hooked on playing a bard... :-)
John H. Kim
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