At 11:13 AM 6/1/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't believe I've ever seen a bard guide.
>Couldn't a bard guide just give himself a pair of Selo's drums? Dunno what
>guides can and can't do, but I imagine they can give themselves whatever
>If you had a choice, based on looks and class restrictions alone, what would
>you dress in? Lambent, Singing Steel, or Imbrued? Or something else?
>I'd probably stick with lambent. :)
I toyed with the idea of becoming a Bard guide - but when I reviewed what
Guides could and couldn't do, I decided to create myself as a Paladin
instead. Lay on Hands was VERY handy as a Guide (I could rez, AND fix up
the recently rez'd player instantly).
Guides cannot "give" themselves anything, however. In fact, when a new
guide first starts his/her apprenticeship, they're given a Staff of
Guidance (effect: Gate) and that's it. Once elevated to full Guide status,
Guides can get armour and equipment off of the vendors in CS Home, but
they're limited to 3 colours of armour, and cloth for monk-guides.
I have, however SEEN a Bard guide - but since you can't buy spells or songs
from real vendors, a bard guide wouldn't be able to use his special
stuff. That's why guides are given tools of the trade.
In service,
Former Guide Jalviv the Just of Tarew Marr
now just Talies the Wanderer