Hmm, maybe that's why the alliance works out pretty well... PS has
always had a better than usual bard ratio with what, 3 out of 17-20
of us? We've been able to do some pretty amazing things w/o the
alliance or enchanters ;)
--- In eqbards@y..., "Reeves, Patrick W" <pwr3@p...> wrote:
> Hey! Actually their problem was they had too many great
enchanters, till
> they all quit, lol. So when I was in group with one of them my job
was to
> support the chanter and help keep him alive. Never had a chance to
do much
> CC unless he died, which was not often.
> Rokenn
> -----Original Message-----
> From: beatdropbattledrum@h...
> [mailto:beatdropbattledrum@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 12:26 PM
> To: eqbards@y...
> Subject: [eqbards] Re: "Shouldn't you be playing Manasong!"
> > a bit. I think that the general populace is probably pretty
> ignorant about
> > what abilities bards do and do not have.
> >
> > Halana, 59th Shaman
> > Tani, 45th Bard
> > Solusek Ro
> You hit it right on the head Tani. How many times do you hear
> say, "Oh, I didn't know bards could do that!" I don't know about
> all, but I hear that quite a bit. And it doesn't surprise me that
> usually, those are the people that say play mana song during the
> fights!
> Which reminds me of a recent mana song story of mine... I was
> with a guild that we have an alliance with in Sebilis. We did
> Sebilis all weekend with pretty much the same group of people.
> rotated, but all were in the same guild. One night, we had 2-3
> clerics in the group at a given time. One in particular was
> me to keep playing mana song when he would go OOM. Now, I don't
> about you guys, but when I have more than one cleric in the group
> with one OOM and 2 frogs on us, I'm not going to stop singing just
> for mana song. So he keeps going on about it and I just ignore
> then finally he says it in caps. I immediatley say "CHILL OUT!
> SINGING WHAT I SHOULD BE!" I usually tell them to not worry about
> what I'm singing and I won't tell them how to play. That usually
> shuts them up ;)
> The second day, the group decided that the 56 wiz would do better
> crowd control with root than I could do. So, I agree to try it
> because I have never been to the Gang beetle room so don't know
> to expect. Well, needless to say, we failed that more than once
> before I could explain that I could do a way better job after
> noticing they are all blues. After the weekend, I reflected back
> realized that their guild no longer has a bard in it! Rokenn was
> their only high level bard until he switched servers! It seemed to
> me that they thought bards were only good for buffing resists and
> mana. Hey Rokenn! You should've done a better job at teaching
> folks what we are all about, lol! ;) JK Rok. I guess I get the
> task of teaching them. Or maybe Rokenn tried and they are just
> hopeless, lol! No, they are a great guild, but they just don't
> understand a bard's power... just as Tani said.
> ~Beatdrop Battledrum
> 51st Minstrel of the Karana Server
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@r...
> with the subject submissions.