I'd have to agree it is a heat problem. I have almost an identical system
just a creative graphics blaster card instead of the voodoo. I currently
have one of the best fan/heatsink combo on my chip that I could find
on-line, I forget the name of it now but it is a dual fan. I also have two
40mm exhaust fans, one 40mm intake fan, some expansion slots open in the
rear of the system (for extra air intake) and a fan on the video card . . .
and I still have a hot system. You can get cooling advise from
http://www.overclockers.com/ . I am currently building a variation of the
venting system they have on the site (
). If you can't find the advise you need on that site, it ain't out there.
At 01:23 PM 1/24/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I know this is OT, but its driving me nuts. gotta get back ingame asap
>before i get withdrawal symptoms.
>I have a celeron 300 overclocked at 466 running on an abit bh6 or bx6 mother
>board for about 2 years now runnin on win98. Run a voodoo 3000 vid card and
>an sb live, oh and a 1* 128meg sim of 100mhz ram.
>Here's my problem, I pretty much only play EQ, check email and surf. Lately
>i've had a few solid lockups playing eq, some crashes to desktop as well.
>Yesterday i got 2 in 10-15 minutes and the day before i died while kiting
>due to this (grrr)
>Anyways, I tried deinstalling EQ, reinstalling EQ, RoK and SoV. While
>reinstalling SoV, total lockup again. This indicated to me that probably my
>pc is overheating or something. Another thing i've noticed while playing is
>that my graphics seem to be choppier than normal (more vid lag, and its not
>swarmcaller) (which indicates to me processing problems).
>So... Tonight I'm going to probably rip the pc open, check if my fan is
>still working, if it is i'll proceed to downclock the cpu back to 300 like
>its supposed to be. If my pc is still acting up from there i'll reinstall
>win98 (arg i hate doing this, takes forever with all my apps).
>Does anyone have any suggestions as to what the prob may be, I have a
>feeling my cpu might be nearing retirement but i'm really hoping this isnt
>the case because i dont have the cash to buy a new chip/board cause that
>would run me about 350$ canadian for a 700mhz/board