Well, in order of easiest to hardest, I'd say:
Karnors, Sebilis/Chardok, Howling Stones
Best bet is to spend a boring evening in one of the moat corners in Karnors, tell the group you want to
practice mezzing on two-pulls, then move up to three-pulls (and more) when you feel comfortable. (Charm
is actually better on two-pulls, since the MOB is helping you out - unless it's a caster - but the
practice is worth it.)
Mez something, then just sing your normal song cycle until it breaks. That gives you a feel for how long
the thing lasts in relation to your normal twist. Mez never drops early unless the MOB is DOTted or hit,
and it lasts a long time. When mezzing a lot of stuff, I usually don't bother to fight; if I'm down to
one (sometimes two if I'm feeling ambitious), I may try switching targets to the MOB that everyone's
attacking in between mezzes. Try not to face the MOBs you mezzed, you'll hit them! Three or more extra
MOBs, I just mez, one or two, I usually mez and twist in a few songs. The top-down view I find is by far
the best way to handle mez.
Song of Twilight has an interesting feature that's sometimes useful and sometimes a big pain in the
patootie: it moves the MOBs. What's annoying is that, while it SAYS the MOB stumbles towards you, what
it actually does is move the MOB on a line from where you're facing to further behind you. So if you've
turned around, you're actually pushing them away. Very useful for keeping MOBs from falling off of
battlements or yanking them out of rocks, but be careful when turning around that you don't push them into
aggroing other MOBs.
I think a druid and a paladin are fine, although I assume you meant that as the core and not as the whole
group. I wouldn't try just three people in any of those places (except maybe Sebilis zone-in or Karnor's
Best places to practice are the zone-outs. So moat or front of Karnor's, zone-out in Sebilis or Chardok.
If you mess up, it's a quick jump out. (Keep fear memmed just in case, heh.)
I'd say you can handle close-to-zone with average 51 in Karnor's, 53 in Seb or Chardok. 55 in HS, I have
no idea where the zone-out is if there is one. At higher levels you can go in further. (It also depends
on how well-camped the areas are, the more heavily camped, the safer.)
Kenross Cantoforjado, 56 songs, Innoruuk
"Daniel P. Sniderman" wrote:
> This is very encouraging and thanks! Of course one thing to consider -
> when you have a Shaman you don't just have healing - you have slow mob...
> I WAS four blue bubs away from 53 - but due to an un-rez'd death (long story
> involving my own stupidity...) I'm not back to five - so I'm looking forward
> to 53. I'm in a small guild where we have a core group of people around
> 47-51. We do have a 54 cleric but he is either rarely on - or on alternates
> not in guild.
> The core group in addition to me is Four Druids between 46-53; two 49/51
> Paladins; and a 49 Ranger.
> Two questions:
> 1) Do you all think that a Bard/Druid/Paladin group can handle the "hard"
> areas? What minimum levels should my partners be?
> 2) Any advise on where to go "practice" my crowd control skills and the
> groups efforts in general without worry about group wipes? I'm guessing
> Chardok zone-out. On Xegony it's usually pretty empty and you can hunt at
> the zone out.
> Thanks!
> Slyde
> Kenross Cantoforjado, 56 songs, Innoruuk
> "Daniel P. Sniderman" wrote:
> > Yes with the RIGHT group (ie bard and shaman instead of cleric and
> > enchanter) and four other people who are VERY good - you can go without
> the
> > enchanter/cleric combo.
> >
> > My own personal experience with myself doing crowd control - if I don't
> have
> > either cleric healing power - or shaman slowing power - I'm going to get
> > killed trying to do crowd control in Sebelis. Maybe I've been unlucky
> with
> > the group's I've had; and also - I haven't got 53 yet - so I'm relying on
> > Charm or Pixie Strike - but the point I think is still there.
> >
> > But maybe - I'm just mediocre... Regardless - maybe you feel that
> 80 per
> > cent of the people in the game are mediocre. Maybe they are - but to me
> the
> > game is about having an enjoyable entertainment experience; not about
> > competing.
> >
> > Slyde
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