At 04:05 AM 6/23/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: John Kim <kim@...>
>On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, CMai wrote:
>> was wondering if anyone can give me hint as to the gnoll that carry a
>> Tomahawk and what lvl is it? I am currently lv 19. I just want to know at
>> what lvl should I start getting a group together and go and kill it.
>Generally, don't even bother unless you can get a spellcaster
>to help you, or you can get up around 6am eastern to camp the
>spot. Highpass basically is a place for mages and wizards to
>camp and kill things and sell the special weapons to the melee
>types who could easily have killed the mobs themselves if the
>mages and wizards weren't there. Come to think of it, most
>places are like this, but nothing exemplifies it more than
>Highpass (well, maybe Crush's tower in Crushbone).
>I wouldn't mind this so much if there were named mobs who
>carried nice mage-type items and were so resistant to magic
>that you needed to melee to kill it. Unfortunately, things
>are very one-sided right now.
>John H. Kim
Just wanted to say one thing on this that may it has helped me in
the past to get a few items..if you are camping a spot for a peticular item
and taking turns etc... then along comes mr.nuker to steal that
is what i do..when it spawns sing the charm song right away...most of the
time mr.kill stealer nuker will dump most to all his mana so fast trying to
steal the kill he wont notice that his spells arent doing any damage..or
you can run off to a different spot having the rare follow you since its
charmed...this tactic has helped me and my group many a time and frustrated
the hell out of would be stealers..usually resulting in alot of WTF?????
from the nuker...
Drizil Thunderblade
35th bard on F.Ro
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