Take the broken flute to the female bard (Caldera?) standing at the teleport
towers next to the bridge in North Karana (from SK). She will give you the
other sheet. Give both of the sheets to Vhalen.
PS Why did you have to kill the hermit *cries* He didn't do anything wrong!
Heh....there is another way to get these two items from him without killing
him or even attacking him. If you get close to his front door, and turn
Walk on..strafe to the right, where the door meets the frame...there is a
crack large enough for you to target the hermit. Then walk around to the
back side of the house, and facing the chimney, get in the right corner of
the chimney where it meets the house, and Hail away! This is where I am on
the quest, looking for.....well, I can't spoil it ALL heh
Nafai (Veeshan)
----- Original Message -----
From: Bard <dabard@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 10:15 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Instruments and a quest (small spoiler)
> From: "Bard" <dabard@...>
> Thanks for all the great input on my weapons question. After two nights
> grouping with a friend to kill the hermit in SK (he's around lvl 21-23 I
> think, and is at -5411, -2646), I now have enough to buy a Dirk (just
> shelled out 50pp on banded so I'm rebuilding my funds). Speaking of Ye
> Hermit, he gives out a cracked flute and the first sheet of the WInds of
> Karana (to give to the bard at the water fountain in SK), does anyone know
> if this quest works, or where the other sheet(s) are?
> Also, is any particular instrument better than any other? (ie: Is my
> mino horn better or worse than my brass horn. etc)
> Thanks,
> -=B=-
> NOR Bard, Esq.
> Bard-at-Large
> 17th and climbing
> The Rathe
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