There are other bugs in the way exp is divied.
The senario, a group of 4 20s plus killing broon
Broon half dead
a 19 bard and 19 monk attacks to help finish him
the bard and monk got the kill
Luckily the group of 4 were friends, but they were still mad.
When we went back and looked at the fight script. It turns out
together we did 42 damage - hehe I was only punching as a Bard. Then
did more than 1000 and he was half when we started.
Verant need to look at their code 8)
Samiba Craftsman
--- Abraham Hardjana <
ahardjan@...> wrote:
> From: Abraham Hardjana
> <ahardjan@...>
> After reading much discussion on the perceived look
> that bard's should
> have from a roleplaying stand point I am now
> inclined to begin wielding a
> Dragoon Dirk and a Combine Rapier[thanks John =)].
> I spent the greater
> part of yesterday wandering, and hunting in and
> around Crushbone. Or more
> specifically hunting down such fiends as Crush and
> DVinn. Suffice my
> guild spent the day slying both Crush and DVinn and
> the occaisional spawn
> of the Warlord.
> After spending the day there with my group
> consisting of a level 19
> cleric, level 17 cleric, level 21 wiz and 19 ranger,
> I can honestly say
> that the jig definitely helps with mana
> regeneration. However the one
> thing we applied yesterday was the wonderful notion
> of who gets the kill.
> I honestly believe that there is a major flaw with
> the way loot/exp
> is awarded to groups. While I was camped in the
> tower it never failed to
> amaze how the looting rights were assigned. Many
> times the party I was in
> was able to ensure that we got the kill by strictly
> planning for our wiz
> to nuke only twice. It did not matter what anyone
> else did, only that the
> wiz nuked twice. That way he was about to do more
> damage than anyone
> person who attacked it. This point was driven home
> when we had a level 24
> druid camping steal killing from my group (after I
> asked her to share the
> spawns). She would only cast three spells to steal
> kill. Now my group in
> total would have been ablet to do 600 damage in
> total(she did about 300
> damage in total), yet she still got the kill from
> standing on the window
> sill. Does this seem wrong to anyone?
> Treilanin Bard of Kelethin
> Honour Guard, Karana
> BTW the funniest thing that ever happened that day
> was the moment when I
> bellowed DVinn out the window. It was incredibly
> funny to hear the shout
> that cam afterwards. "Some high levels are training
> DVinn out of the
> castle", and all the while we were waiting for him
> to return.
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> ways!
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