Do the following to death sounds:
Control Panel
Audio tab - Advanced Properties
Drop the hardware acceleration down one notch
This should do the trick
> At 01:47 PM 10/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >I recently got a new PC. It IS like playing a totally new
> game now and I
> >was finally able to twist 4 songs. :) But one of the
> changes I noticed
> >with this PC is for the worse. Actually two changes are,
> but I think I can
> >live with the fact that everywhere I go I hear women screaming, bears
> >roaring, wisps whizzing, etc. I guess that's supposed to
> make you feel
> >like you're in a zone full of dead bodies and monsters. Bit
> nerve racking
> >though, and I can no longer track by ear.
> >
> >But anyway, that's the problem I can learn to live with.
> What's killing me
> >now is, I THINK, lag. See, lag spikes on my old PC
> basically just made
> >movements slow and choppy. What's happening now is my
> screen completely
> >locks up for about 20 seconds, during that time I'll hear
> about 5 seconds
> >of the me piercing something repeatedly, followed by 5ish
> seconds of me
> >screaming in agony repeatedly, followed by 5 seconds of the mob
> >barking/growling/etc, and so on. It's like the client is
> playing all the
> >sound effects of the battle in order of effect rather than
> chronological.
> >And I can do NOTHING while this is going on.
> >
> >I tried going back to all my old PCs settings (no particles,
> about a 15'
> >clip plane, most chatting off, etc) but if it helped any, it
> only made
> >these lag spikes less frequent. It didn't make them any
> more manageable.
> >
> >Oh and I'm calling these lag spikes for lack of a better explanation.
> >Since the screen stops updating for such a long time I don't
> know what the
> >status bar would be showing.
> >
> >Anyone have any insight on this? Is this what lag is
> "supposed" to look
> >like?
> >
> >My new PC is a 1GHz P3, with 128 RAM & 64 video RAM. (Nice
> toy, eh? I
> >thought so <g>) Old PC, if I recall correctly, was a 200Mhz
> P2, with 64 RAM
> >& 32 video RAM. Both use 56K modems.
> >
> >On an unrelated note, Talies, sorry to hear your out of the
> game, glad to
> >hear your staying with the list.
> >
> >And on another unrelated note, Thex, how'd the Naggy raid go
> last night?
> >
> >Peace
> >Evulia, crooner of 13 tunes who sometimes masquerades as a rogue in
> >Lavastorm
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.
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