Any idea anyone how much the breath of harmony SELLS for? I figure i'll have
about 15,000pp saved up by the time im 45, maybe 20,000 if i keep at it till
46 if i stay at the giants in rathe. Might just try to get an ivandir's
hoop, if i get one i'll have even more cash/items to trade while im at it in
that general area.
lev 41 bard
Sol Ro
-----Original Message-----
From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:
Sent: October 17, 2000 1:34 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Suggestions for a Level 30
I really like Lake of Ill Omen for soloing.. and Frontier Mountains for
duoing.. although FM works better with a tank cuz those things can hit HARD!
Stay away from the nasty caster gobbies too :)
I'm curious on weapons too.. I currently have a journeyman's walking stick,
jagged chodekai spine and some claw thing from the City of Mist... can't
remember the name but its a piercer..
Anway, looking for next step up suggestions :)
Halana, 56 Shamana (sigh)
Tani, 30!!!! Bard :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: chris.holden@... [mailto:chris.holden@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 11:21 AM
> To:
> Subject: [eqbards] Suggestions for a Level 30
> Hello all! I have just returned to the list and EQ after a 2
> month hiatus. I
> have finally hit level 30 with my Bard, Ranian, and I am
> looking for places to
> hunt now to get through relatively quickly. I am currently
> soloing Froon and
> Choon, killing bandits for sashes (actually gives a little xp
> and reduces
> boredom for me) and Ulrich McMannus in WK. I don't want to do
> him to much as my
> Barb faction is low as is.
> What other places can I hunt solo or with a 32 Enchanter for good xp?
> And I know my equipment is out of date but what would be
> suggested that isn't to
> expensive?
> Arms: Lambent Vambraces
> Back: Cloak of the Icebear
> Bracer 1: Lambent Bracer
> Bracer 2: Bracer of Scavenging
> Chest: Lambent BP
> Ears: Opalline Earring (2)
> Face: Mask of Deception
> Feet: Lambent Boots
> Fingers: Jagged Bands (2)
> Hands: Iksar Scaled Gloves
> Head: Skull Shaped Barbrute
> Legs: Lambent Greaves
> Neck: Cape of the Midnight Mist
> Shoulders: Pegasus Feather Cloak or Bloodstained Mantle
> Waist: Troll Hide Belt
> Other: MM Drums, Runed Bone Fork, Gnoll Hide Whip, Blade of
> Fiery Lamentations,
> Obsidian Shard (2) and Enamelled Black Mace.
> Thanks for all the help and I enjoy the list a lot. I don't
> get to play much
> anymore (wife is pregnant so were getting ready).
> Ranian Aeleroth
> Council of Sylvan Order
> Bard of the 30th Song
> The Rathe
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