Hail and well met Tanthalias,
I also had your problem but what I discovered is that if you do find a group, show off all your group type songs and skills. Stay in the same zone for a week or so and group with as many as will have you. Help newbies find corpses, die for the good of a team member, be the one to turn to. I have built up a sort of good reputation with the locals in my area and now regularly get /tells from players I've never even met before at the moment I enter the zone. Many say that another player told them to look me up. Its quite flattering and helps with grouping immensely. Bards are always a valuable asset to a group! Most players just don't realize our capabilities. Since we are not true tanks or true spellcasters they see us as weak until you show then otherwise. In order to find your niche in your zone, be selfless. This is the best advice I can give other lower level bards like myself. Most players remember your name if you've made an impression upon them. Always remember that.
Yours in song and battle,
Weiland of Freeport
11th Level of Erollisi Marr
----- Original Message -----
From: Tanthalias
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 1999 9:12 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Trouble Grouping
Lately, I'm having serious trouble finding a group. I'm a level 10 bard on Tarew Marr. Lately I've been hunting in Steamfront Mountains. I'm always looking for a group to hunt mino's (great exp, and their axes sell for 4pp to other players). Whenever I do a "/ooc Level 10 Bard looking for a group" I get no response. Even when there are other level 9-11 players in the area. Are we bards no longer a valuable asset in a group? Has anyone experienced this?
Half Elven Bard
10th Level
Tarew Marr